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Опубликованно: 29.01.2019.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 19 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2000–2010 гг.
2011–2015 гг.
Фрагмент работы

Additionally, research often reveals the issue with the current strategy the company uses and enables practitioners to build on findings and come up with the solution (L’Etang 2008).
Moreover, it is possible to use research to build a story and create content in media
relations. As contemporary consumers are informed, it is crucial to be transparent and use authentic data, which is also resonating with the audience(PR Week 2018). In my opinion, it is also important to think about the most appropriate methodology to use in PR research as the information is changes every day and it is important to result final data with strong credentials.
When I look back on the last two months of work I feel that it helped me to understand the importance of research not only for academic purposes, but also for the PR industry. I learned a lot about group work, methodology, data coding and analysis, formulating research aims and objectives as well as identifying the research topic. In order to improve my skills and expand by knowledge for the future work I will focus on the literature review writing skills
as it is important to draw implications from my discussion of the literature and relate the discussion back to the study’s aim. Additionally, I will work on understanding the link between methodology and real life obstacles, as it not only have to be grounded in scholarship, but also work in the industry. I need to learn how certain features of method cater research objectives. Additionally, I will work on developing my analytical skills.…

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