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Опубликованно: 24.11.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Therefore, it will decrease the likelihood of developing countries catching up.
Because a lot of the economies in the developing countries are so unregulated and exists in an informal economy. A lot of the business exists in the black market, as starting a formal business would take so much time and effort due to inefficiency of the legal system. If the legal systems improves efficiency and also protects property rights people would be more included to start formal businesses thus more likelihood to catch-up to industrialized economies. As laws to prevent theft or fraud gave people move certainty about keeping the returns from their entrepreneurship (Jackson 2001).
The main use of a country's in transactional and is to keep develop, and improve the current situation of a developing countries. It is not related to low, what so ever. If a country uses this fond to buy armament, it will do nothing to improve the economy maybe it would make a country more powerful in terms of weapons but it will sorely decrease the likelihood of catching-up to industrialized countries.
For existing technology to be adopted, it is necessary to have well-trained and professional people to initiate the use of the technology. If a developing country invests in human capital, it will increase the likelihood of catching up as there would be people who are capable of using this technology to improve the countries economy.

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