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Опубликованно: 11.02.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Analyzing Paula Dwyer and Douglas Harbrecht views about necessary changes in Congress and Nelson W. Polsby viewpoint defending Congress I can not make radical conclusions whether the changes in Congress are really necessary. There is no perfect institution in the state, that is why it is clearly seen that “black points” existing in every institution should be changed. USA Congress is not the exclusion and contains positive as well as negative points. Though I suppose Congress needs changes.
First of all I would like to draw attention to the structure of Congress – USA constitutional acts say that Congress consists of two chambers – Senate and House. Constitutional acts say that there are two representatives of every state in the Senate, on the other hand the amount if representatives in the House depends on the amount of citizens in each state. Since 1913 Senate has been elected by direct voting. In the beginning many people believed that congress would work on questions on foreign policy, not home policy, though today congress has a right to make decisions solving all the topical problems of the state.…

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