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Опубликованно: 04.01.2019.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 10 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2000–2010 гг.
2011–2015 гг.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Introduction    4
2.  The protector of international peace and security: The Organization of United Nations    5
2.1.  Diverse forms of dispute settlement under article 31 of UN Charter    6
2.1.1.  Negotiations    6
2.1.2.  Good Offices and Mediation    7
2.1.3.  Inquiry    7
2.1.4.  Conciliation    8
2.2.  The judicial organ under UN - The International Court of Justice (ICJ)    8
3.  The involvement of the regional organisations into international dispute settlement    10
3.1.  UN relation with regional organizations    10
3.2.  Diverse regional organizations    11
3.2.1.  The African Union (Organization of African Unity)    11
3.2.2.  The Organization of American States (OAS)    11
3.2.3.  The Arab League    12
3.2.4.  Europe    12
4.  Conclusion    12
Фрагмент работы

The involvement of UN in international disputes is diverse. In one hand the binding mechanisms under Security Council and ICJ Judgements and in other hand the General Assembly resolutions and Security General Involvement in good offices or mediation. The UN is interlinked with regional organizations concerning the peaceful settlement of disputes. (see part 3). The Security Council plays important role in dispute settlement. Also there is growing criticism of Security Council Member States individual interests. The society is developing and the disputes are becoming more and more complex, therefore the classical dispute settlement is not sometimes enough. In addition, the veto blockage of important decisions from SC, are decreasing the faith and efficiency to the SC decisions. On other side, the ICJ as judicial organ is providing faithful and binding decisions. Only issue with ICJ decisions is the obligation of States consent that obliges the States to accept the outcome of judgement.
Therefore the answer of the proposed problem in this paper are affirmative, proving that UN complicated decision mechanism really often are ineffective and unfair regarding to the UN Charter. Moreover, the States are seeking to solve more their disputes into regional organizations rather than involving UN. However, the regional organizations are not having complete independence form UN. The SC can enter into dispute settlement mechanism of regional organization if the matter concerns international peace and security.…

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