Nowadays, people are becoming sophisticated computer users. It is increasingly easy for them to create viruses, hack into computer networks, check others information without authorization, and send Dirty pictures to others without consent. Many people are doing these things without any reservations.
However, The Internet not only allows for a medium for unregulated freedom of speech, but also for a very ethical environment that is controlled by the end user. This is done through the use of many rating systems and cryptographic tools. It is also accomplished by the end user adopting a "buyer beware" attitude and checking some background information before making decisions that are unwise. It is this attitude and a little time that allows for the self-regulation that is completely in the hands of the Internet user. This allows for the Internet to be not only a place for freedom of speech but also for the content viewed by a user to match what that user considers ethical material. To this extent, the Internet is of higher ethical standards than that of everyday publishing, advertising, and business transaction acted in person or public; since, all these personal or public transactions may be viewed by an audience that the material may be deemed inappropriate for.