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Опубликованно: 17.06.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

In this chapter author looked in such themes as what is teacher, the roles of teacher, the teacher as performer and the teacher as teaching aid.
In the theme what is teacher author wrote about the conditions which helped to improve learning. At first of all I want to write about this quotation:” Is teaching about the "transmission" of knowledge from teacher to student, or is it about creating conditions in which, somehow, students learn for themselves?" (pg 56) The good teacher would be called if he/she would transmit knowledge to the student many years ago. It was like a standard that teachers have to tell and give new information, but students have to answer just as much as they were asked. But nowadays „the measure of a good lesson is the student activity taking place, not the performance of the teacher” (pg56) because we have to create conditions which make student learn by themselves, to give opportunities find out more than teachers have told in the lectures. But it is possible only if the students are interested into the theme about the teacher has told. Yes, teachers like speaking in front of the class, but the best way how to make students find more information is by "activities where encouraging students to solve their own problems on their own or pairs or groups…” (pg57).…

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