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Опубликованно: 13.06.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

The initial purpose of the Reformation was to abolish the corruption in the Catholic Church. Eventually, due to the failure of that, a new religion was formed with a new theory upon religion, which the Catholics did not accept. However, this reformation did not only start a new religion with new ideas, it also started a political and economical revolution. It is acceptable to say that the Reformation was actually a political revolution rather than a religious reform.
<Tab/>The life expectation during the "Middle Ages" was around forty years and the child mortality rate was thirty-two percent . Lives in the "Middle Ages" were very short. Since lives were very short at that time period, salvation for the people was a very important factor. Since the Catholic Church plays a big role in the decision of who gets into heaven and who does not, the Catholic Church has lots of power and even more power than the State. People did whatever they could to gain salvation including paying money to the church for forgiveness which were called indulgences. The Catholic Church had huge amounts of wealth and power, which prevented political and economical development, as everyone, even the dukes and the monarchs depended on the Catholic Church. …

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