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Опубликованно: 22.10.2002.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Were George and Ruth Patton consciously raising a son to be a great warrior and leader of men in battle? General George Smith Patton, Jr. is considered to be the master at the art of war. His heritage of great warrior ancestors and legacy brought out his true genius of military tactics. It has been said there were many different sides of this complex man. There was the daring and fast advancing combat commander that dashed through Sicily, then broke out of the beaches of Normandy, continued to drive across France and finally smashed into the German heartland in the Spring of 1945. Then he was also the mystic, who believed he had been a soldier in previous lives and would return as a soldier after every death. Other sides of the General were the devoted family man, the sportsman, and the poet. Patton is considered to be one of the most impressive military leaders of World War II; he was known to always be generous in sharing the glory of victory while he knew the full burden of responsibility for a defeat would rest solely on him. …

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