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Atlants.lv библиотека
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Опубликованно: 04.05.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Short content:
The story begins with explanation why was Charles Linkworth condemned to death and it's described how condemned men often find a strange peace as the hour of their death comes closer. Before his death Linkworth was calm and refused to admit his guilt although everybody knew that he was guilty. When he was hanged, doctor Teesdale's job afterwards was to make sure that the man was dead. He later examin the body and while doing that he had a strange feeling that the spirit of the dead man was very near to him. That same evening the doctor received a strange call. The telephone rang very softly (but usually it made a very loud, demanding sound), and when doctor picked up the receiver he couldn't hear what the person was talking about. Doctor found out that the call came from prison, but when he called there the prison officer Draycott told him that that's impossible because there was no one in room with him. The next day he went to the prison as usual and he was conscious of an unseen presence near him. He felted that the spirit was close and that it need's help. Teesdale spoke with officer Draycott who told him that last night he felt somebody's presence in the room, just before he called, but he couldn't see anything. Doctor told him that he thinks that this will happen again this evening and he also told him that he should give the spirit a chance to get to the telephone. And he was right; the phone rang strange and soft as before but this time, when he picked up and answered, he clearly heard a person crying. The person, or better said - a ghost, on the phone was Charles Linkworth.…

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