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  • Good Teachers Are more Important to a Child's Development than Good Parents. Do You Agree with the Following Statement?


    Эссе1 Педагогика

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Опубликованно: 11.06.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Do you agree with the following statement? Good teachers are more important to a child's development than good parents. Use specific details to support your argument.

From the very beginning of their lives, children start to develop and learn about the world that is around them. From the first breath they start their way of exploring the surrounding and the people that are beside them usually are their parents and only after some years – their teachers. So my opinion is that good parents are more important to child’s development than good teachers.
To support my attitude, I would like to mention that most of the basic skills that will be needed in the following life (for example speaking) children learn in the first years of their life in a family. Parents are those who spend most of the time with children of young age. In the society there are various models, but if we talk about “good parents” we could assume that they spend quite a large proportion of their time with their children…

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