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Опубликованно: 11.03.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

People tend to fall in two categories: the ones who learn from their past, mistakes and experiences, and draw something good out of it; and the ones who are too obdurate to even see they’re wrong and just continue the course they’ve started. The question is- in which category do we all together fall if we take the case on the global governance? Are we on the global scale learning our lessons or are we just too stubborn and keep going on the wrong direction? If we take a look on the history, one could say there are lessons that are learned and lessons that aren’t. Another question is- which did we learn and how to learn these others? To answer that, we should draw some specific examples.
There are many lessons learnt, however, one of the most important is following: the universal judicial evolution, development of international criminal law. Taking a glance back in the past, we can make a point that Nuremberg and Tokyo tribunals were the most important turning point (some would think- starting point) of the universal judicial development. No court before could do what Nuremberg and Tokyo did- the first individuals were finally prosecuted for the war crimes, for crimes against humanity, for crimes against the peace.

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