Hog Farms and How They Affect The People of the Great Plains Region
Large hog farming corporations caused many controversial arguments in recent years. They are the targets of many environmental activists and for many good reasons. It has been argued that large corporate hog farms are environmentally unsafe, and destroy the conventional pork industry. It is difficult to find arguments that address the issue of what large hog farms do to prevent the problems they create. Mark Grey, a professor of anthropology, is concerned with the development and growth of rural communities. His research lead him to investigate the problems that plague large hog farming corporations. Most of the arguments that I have read are against the large corporate hog farms. Their reason being that the corporations are detrimental to people, especially small hog farmers. They pollute the environment that surrounds them. I found that there is a lack of articles that argue support the concentration and vertical integration of the hog farming industry. There are many good things that hog farms do, such as feed thousands of people and assist in the research of many new medical technologies. Yet, even in light of these good qualities there are many bad qualities also.
Hog farms affect every one who lives in their surrounding areas. They also hurt small privately owned hog farms. …