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Опубликованно: 18.04.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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I will agree with this quotation that post war treaties was not consistence with the 14 points that Woodrow Wilson's 14 points made discontent in Germany and Italy. The citizens in German and Italy were cursed because of three reasons; first reason is the unfairness of disarmament that was included in Treaty of Versailles; it can be said that the treatment of Germany was incredibly unequal which was not consistent with the 14 points. The second reason is the huge amount of reparation to Germany that was also included in the Treaty of Versailles; this made the interruption of Germany's economy and trade which was obvious that it was not consistence with 14 points. The third reason is the treatment of readjusting the frontier of Italy that Italy did not gain territory as much as 14 points had stated in the Treaty of St. Germaine and Trianon. By these three reasons I agree with the quotation.…

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