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Опубликованно: 21.06.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

This analysis competitive advantages that a business may face if social changes took place. The social changes that may affect "Bling-Bling" are; fashion trends changing e.g. If beaded jewellery suddenly went out of fashion and another type of jewellery hit the market the "Bling-Bling" would be affected as no pupils would want to purchase out of fashion jewellery as it would not be trendy. Therefore "Bling-Bling" makes a loss and loose out on money that they spent on purchasing the beaded jewellery. Another social issue to consider is jewellery aimed at religion or something, because if 'crosses' for the religion Christianity hit the market and every Christian started to purchase a cross at the end of their bracelet .e.t.c. and "Bling-Bling" started to sell this type of jewellery in Small Heath School then sales would be very low and no one would purchase the jewellery. This is because the majority of pupils at school are Asian and do not believe in 'Crosses' .e.t.c. so it would be against their religion to wear a cross bracelet.
Also another social factor to consider is the colours that are in season like way back the colour pink was in, so according to the season colour "Bling-Bling" could sell those type of coloured jewellery as it will be in fashion.

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