The internet began as a computer network commissioned by the Advanced Research Projects Agency in 1969 as a network between four universities. Because of the volume of information available and the potential value of instant information transmission, the network known as the internet grew exponentially (Kristula 2). With the increased usage of the internet, has come an increased throughput of information. Contained within the transmitted data are many business secrets and a great deal of personal financial information. The potential offered by this "gold mine" has attracted an ever-increasing amount of attention, and the data are now being sought by many. People who attempt to exploit the internet by illegally accessing unauthorized information have become known as hackers. These hackers pose a great threat to the internet and its users, and their motivation and methods have become the subject of media attention and close scrutiny.
While there are no common demographic profiles of hackers, there does appear to be a commonality of attitudes and behavior (Pfleeger 13). For a hacker the computer alone provides the entertainment. …