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  • Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Action of a Protease Enzyme on Exposed Developed Film


    Эссе5 Химия

4,49 € В корзину
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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

By looking at my results I am able to see that there is a trend. In my first results table which shows the effect of temperature on the action of a protease enzyme on exposed developed film it shows that when the temperature increases the time taken for the gelatine to be broken down by the protease solution decreases. For example at 30.50C the time taken for the film to become transparent is 370 seconds, however the time taken for the film to become transparent in the temperature of 59.00C took only 90 seconds. This is a big difference between the two temperatures. The reason for this is because when the temperature increases the substrate molecules, which is the protein in the gelatine coating, which is on the transparent film, starts to move faster. The enzyme molecules, which is protease, also starts to move faster. The enzyme molecules therefore start to collide more frequently with the substrate molecules and start to break down the substrate molecule so the gelatine breaks down quicker. Temperature is a catalyst, which means it speeds up the enzymes, which are biological catalysts.
By looking at the diagram below you are able to see the effect of temperature between the substrate molecules and enzyme molecules when the temperature increases.
"Y Substrate molecule-
"Y Enzyme molecule-
Even though I am able to see that there is trend for the first four temperatures at 78.50C however the time taken for the gelatine to be broken down increases. …

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