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Опубликованно: 29.01.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Geographical Position and Administrative Boundaries
In accordance with the Constitution of the Latvian Republic and the law of its administrative and territorial set–up the Republic of Latvia comprises of Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Latgale and Zemgale.
Latgale (Latgola) is an ancient and singular state in the eastern part of Latvia. Latgale is separated from the rest of the Latvian states by three rivers: the Pededze, the Aiviekste and the Daugava. On the east Latgale borders on Russia and Belarus. Latgale completely includes five districts (Balvi, Kraslava, Ludza, Preili, Rezekne) and partially four districts (Aluksne, Daugavpils, Jekabpils, Madona). From 1920 to 1940 Latgale also included the Jaunlatgales shire, 1,200 square kilometres of it were annexed and made a part of Russia.
Nature and Natural Resources
Geographically Latgale is located in the Latgale Uplands and in the Lowlands of eastern Latvia, Velikaya and Polock. Its highest summits are Lielais Liepkalns in the Kraslava district (289 metres above sea level), Mazais Liepkalns in the Kraslava district (264 metres above sea level). In depressions there are numerous lakes.
There are large peat–bogs in Latgale: the Krievu–Jersikas bog in the Preili district, the Kreici and Krenova bogs in the Ludza district, the Struzani bog in the Rezekne district. There are also clay deposits: in Kuprava in the Balvi district, in Livani in the Preili district and in Nicgale in the Daugavpils district. …

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