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Опубликованно: 22.11.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Republic of Latvia is parliamentary democracy and head of state is Vaira Vīķe - Freiberga. Here lives 57% Latvians, 30% Russians, 4% Belarusians, 3% Polishmans and 3% others. In this country Latvian is the only official language, but Russian is also widely spoken. National currency is the lats. 1 lats consists of 100 santims. Capital city of Latvia is Riga, but there are also many beautiful towns like Sigulda, Valmiera, Cēsis, Liepāja, Ventspils, Daugavpils.
Latvia lies on the westwrn edge of the East European plain. It borders on Estonia, Lithuania, the Russian Republic and Belarus. It occupies an area 64,589 km2 and lies near the Baltic sea.
The Latvian climate is maritime and temperate in nature, with cool summers and wet moderate winters. The warmest month is July and the coldest – January.
There are many lakes like Rāznas lake, Usmas lake, Ungura lake, Drīdzis lake , atc. and rivers in Latvia like the Venta, the Daugava, the Gauja, the Lielupe. The deepest lake is Drīdzis, the largest – Lubāns, but the Ezezers is rich in islands.…

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