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Опубликованно: 16.07.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

The democratization of the world is now in military terms and the U.S military influence is overwhelming and perhaps it is that is disrupting local societies and undermining of the power of these nation states that has anticipated that these people "Would fall back on religiously based cultural communities and repudiate western values." Indeed if current issues and events are any basis this could be deemed to be true. Perhaps this overwhelming popularity of American culture breeds resentment and perhaps this resentment will inflect a different meaning to americanisation as it has so often in generations, societies and cultures past.
The U.S.A being a world leader in new and improved processes is often the instigator of so many economic and social propellants, especially since their military is involved in nearly 100 countries. Their influence cannot be denied and one must ask if their influence is detrimental or not to a society. Modernisation, globalisation and americanisation can influence a countries culture. With more interest placed on technology and the economy a country can see their religions, customs, social norms, and self identity fade. Of course whether this is a positive or negative thing is reserved for the individual. But we must question if this change is what people want and if they will benefit the way they would like.

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