Philosophers agree on something called "objective moral values". By that, they mean that certain things are right and wrong, whether or not people believe they are right or wrong. Though humans are created uniquely with different characters, these distinctive personalities must be expressed creatively under the same universal standard of morality. The conduct of any one individual should not escape the whispers of morality's calling. In the two short stories of "Borders" and "The Possibility of Evil", there are two characters who are reasonably similar in personality. But one could see that although both characters believed themselves to be right, only one was planted in the fertile soil of morality. This can be seen through the differences in their thoughts, their behaviour, and through the events that came as a result of what they believed to be right.
The Mother from "Borders" and Miss Strangeworth from "The Possibility of Evil" prove to be at first, similar in their thoughts. …