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Опубликованно: 15.10.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Consequently, the determinist regards as inappropriate all the traditional attitudes to guilt and innocence, praise and blame, pride and shame and guilt, reward and punishment - all the ideas associated with responsibility and deserts. These are still seen as necessary or desirable, but as nothing more than a useful means of achieving the objectives of parents, teachers and society, and a way to enable the individual to live successfully in a community.
A rational approach to practical questions is the best way to achieve personal and community goals, but it's difficult to be rational about morality. I have some very strong and irrational moral feelings, particularly about injustice and rights, and in matters which affect me personally. But I can't deceive myself into believing that those feelings are based on absolute truths and facts of nature. On the contrary, I accept that traditional morality is nothing more than a set of guidelines which have evolved to enable us to live in a community as effectively as possible, and that my intense moral feelings are only the outcome of my own personal background and history.

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