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Опубликованно: 21.05.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

In the former case, more open dialogue between different cultural groups should be encouraged. Dialogue at a young age, between student and teacher
for example, can teach citizens to express what they feel they would like to learn and what they would like to see on a more practical level happen with their own country's multicultural development.
With the latter problem, one could argue that the civil rights movement of the sixties as well as the women's liberation activism of the seventies were obtrusive; going against years of conservative practices always is. But sadly, sometimes that is the only way things change for the better .
As seen from the above examples, there are benefits in all areas when people of different cultures can live harmoniously together. In this day and age where economic, educational, social and artistic exchanges are on the rise, an awareness and the practice of multiculturalism is vital. The government is usually the first official body that can lead the way in such matters, but every citizen has his own part to play; we have seen the consequences otherwise.

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