The rise of civilization and writing occurred simultaneously. When men discovered fire, at the same time he invented the alphabets, and so began the progression of civilization and literature of various kinds. From the dark ages to this day, great works of writing has been and is still being produced and published; it ranges from the great Shakespearian plays to children's favorite author Dr Seuss, but what is it that makes these writings a worldwide success? All good writings contain a logical, identifiable voice; it makes the reader believe one person is talking to another, the writing has a sense of audience; the writer makes contact with the reader and expects his or her needs, good writing uses detail; the reader is able to "see" what the writer is describing, it also has rhythm; it seems to flow effortlessly from beginning to end, it also has good content; nobody reads books they neither learn from nor enjoy and most of all good writings uses proper mechanics; the writer is obviously in control of spelling, punctuation, and usage.…