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  • My Place by Sally Morgan in Relation to the Movie "Fight Club" by David Fincher, the Painting Cathedral by Jackson Pollock and the Poem "Kith of Infinity" by Somtow Sucharitkul


    Эссе5 Литература

4,49 € В корзину
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Опубликованно: 31.07.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Sally embarks on a journey so to find a place where she belongs, as the title of the book suggests. Both in the poem and novel, physical and inner journeys are undertaken. Infinity seems to be coursing along-side the wind through-out the universe, and particularly the Earth, as it describes many natural elements, and by doing so, finds something it can belong to. Sally on her journey, travels to the home of her grandmother, to find her relatives and the people she belongs to.
There are many allusions to nature in each of the texts. As mentioned, Infinity speaks of these natural characteristics as though it was passing by them as the wind does, "forever coursing/ the banks of some invisible river." Many of these allusions come from the water imagery such as "Borne by the foam/ carried by the current." It is this imagery which dispels the melancholy tone from the reader and creates a more relaxed feeling as Infinity has now begun to find it's place.
In My Place, it is Sally's connection to the land, in combination with other things, which leads her to feel out of place. An example of her relation to the natural world can be seen in chapter nine, "The swamp behind our house was an important place for me. It was now part of me, part of what I was as a person." Such connections are generally seen in the Aboriginal culture. …

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