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Опубликованно: 27.01.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 7 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    4
  Literature Review    5
  Blonde Stereotype    6
  Advantages of Blonde Stereotype    10
  Blonde Jokes    11
  Blondes From Birth Vs. Bottle Blondes    12
  Conclusion    14
  Bibliography    15
  Internet Sources    15
Фрагмент работы

”Blondes have more fun!” This is one of the most popular qoutes about blondes. But is it truth or is it just another myth which is dredged up by society?
A small percentage of people in the World have blonde hair. Blonde is almost regarded as a separate race, because of the hair color. It is almost like a rule that if some group of people is a minority in society, then most probably some kind of discrimination against it will arise sooner or later. Despite the fact that today` s society represents itself as a society free of discrimination, narrow-mindedness and open for everything new, it is not so. The problem is that society consists of people, where each person is an individual, who has his own perception about things around him. The wave of discrimination has reached blondes hundreds of years ago, but the feeling that this discrimination will never end continues to exist.
Blonde discrimination in labour market or academic career should not be a normal and common thing today, but as it has proved it is. People have even learnt to poke jokes about blondes at workplace. A problem to get a job with good wage is a problem, because superiors do not want to hire workers with blonde hair. All the pre-mentioned facts make blonde people agree on the fact that blonde discrimination is a serious problem.
Blonde jokes are a separate sphere of blonde discrimination. No other hair color has hundreds of books about it, like blonde does. Reactions towards these jokes are different. Mostly blondes who dye their hair blonde are not so nervous to hear that kind of jokes, while blondes from birth are more or less unpleased to hear them. Myths and jokes about blondes are so popular that many people catch them as a generally approved truth. …

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