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Опубликованно: 16.01.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The story about my ancestor – my grandmothers grandfather Adam – is wrapped in real mystique. Unfortunately I can’t find out all details of this event, because everyone who knew more is dead for a long time. This story I heard from my grandmother, to whom it was told by her grandmother – Adams wife.

In the time of my life I have made certain that happiness doesn’t depend on money and that everyone gets what he deserves. Sooner or later we have to pay for everything in this life.
It was year 1889. Adam was just retired from the army of Czar (Nicholas II), where he had been in service for 25 years. He received a rather lump sum when he retired and for this money he built the most beautiful house in our village. I was 18 years old at that time and Adam was 26 years older that me. Despite the difference in age I liked Adam very much and we married. Serving as a guard at the gates of the Czar’s palace was a big honour and for that post were chosen only the most handsome and stately man. Our family was very poor so it was a big honour that so wealthy and venerable man wants to marry me. …

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