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Опубликованно: 24.05.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Simply Fate
Everyone likes to believe that they have control of their lives, but does one really and if not, does one have the power to change fate? In the plays, Oedipus the King and Antigone, by Sophocles, Oedipus, king of Thebs, tries to avoid his fate of killing his father and marrying his mother, but fate cannot be altered. Oedipus fathers Antigone, Ismene, Polynices, and Eteocles with his mother Jocasta unknowingly, after killing his father. After Oedipus is exiled, Antigone and Ismene have a terrible fate to follow. When Eteocles and Polynices kill each other in battle, only Eteocles is allowed a proper burial, while Polynices cannot be buried under the new King Creon's law. Antigone goes against Creon's law to bury her brother and is killed. Creon's fate is also doomed because by killing Antigone, results in his son and wife committing suicide. Oedipus, Antigone and Creon must learn to accept fate because no matter how hard they try, they cannot change it.

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