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Опубликованно: 10.02.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

In this essay, I will explore a few paradoxes that Kurt Vonnegut implied in his novel Cat’s Cradle – the absurd of Bokononism (a fake religion which eventually from harmless lies develops into a fake truth with innocent victims), the concept of an “innocent” scientist who created an atom-bomb, and the “key-to-life” protein discovery which should reveal the big secret or the great purpose of life.
Cat’s Cradle is a novel laced with irony and parody. The main themes in the novel are connected with science and people who are connected with it. The 20th century experienced a great development of scientific advancement and industrialization. Although it offered to people a better standard of living, it also produced human suffering on different levels. Along with the discovery of antibiotics, the scientists discovered an atom-bomb, nerve gas, firearms, and other things that were meant to kill people. The industrialization offered not only cheaper and standardised material goods, but also abusive labour practices and unsafe working conditions.
In the beginning of a novel there are described a various principles of a religion called Bokononism. This religion was created artificially by two friends – McCabe and Bokonon.…

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