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Her and Toney's daughter Nina also went though hardships when she was young. In the article Toney says, "It's like reading a book about myself", after reading a packet of Nina's school records. This also proves that she might have been the way she is because of who her father was and the way she was raised. Even thought she rarely got time to spend with her father he still had an impact on her. By her observing the things Toney did in the past, hearing about everything, and looking to him as a role model she began to follow in his path when he was younger.
As you can tell your social life can influence you to do some things. I believe that if you chose your friends and surrounding carefully you can avoid getting yourself into trouble. Even though there are many other different criminological theories that could some way relate to this article from the New York Times, I think the social learning theory connects with the article the most.

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