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Опубликованно: 26.04.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
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Фрагмент работы

In the world there are many problems, and sometimes we don’t know what we can do to improve the situation. But only we can improve all situated problems. All depends on us – people. We are the part of the world and we live there. So only we can do something for our own, because no one other will not do it for us.
Racism is a “theory” that exists in higher as well as lower people races. It could be compared to the historical relationships between sirs and slaves. But actually the difference in races is not important and by no means it doesn’t have influence in the humanity’s development. The racial difference doesn’t create difference in the racial values. By the way, racism is an imperialism ideology that is needed for setting of the natives, oppressing and exploitation. I like that rules in some cases help to punish those people who has deserved it. It is fair and right. No one has got rights to say or do something bad to each other. All people are equal. What can I do to eradicate the racism? I can say nothing bad about other nations and to be disposed like to one’s own people!

Homophobia is intensifies fairs from homosexuals and homosexuality. Nowadays in TV many programs discuss this problem is discussed. They speak on the difference between humans. And this theme is very disliking to homophobic society but we have to talk about that, because people are different and we all are personalities with our own thoughts and opinions.

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