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Опубликованно: 02.06.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Conclusion And Recommendations
The intention of this research report is not to provide just answers to the complicated problems which Foxtel faced when they introduced new Digital Technology .Rather, it is
To point out that had the management at Foxtel , a deep understanding of the Four Frames then they would have been able to develop solid resistance management techniques. Looking at events through structural, human resource, political and symbolic perspectives would have lessened the likelihood of a Contractors strike.
The reframing process increases the probability of seeing and solving 'real' problems, while encouraging us to expand the scope and flexibility of your own thinking. Reframing invites ongoing and individual learning. Reframing also expands choice by developing options. There is often more than one way to solve a problem. Reframing with structural, human resources, political and symbolic lenses frees managers by offering four different ways to approach diagnosis and problem definition, with corresponding implications for leadership and effective action.
An understanding of these alternative approaches has helped us develop more comprehensive organizational analyses, while enabling us to work with others with differing views. After learning about prominent perspectives, their strengths and weaknesses, and their implications for managerial action, we got the opportunity to practically apply these perspectives to diagnose Foxtel and its challenges.

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