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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

During my visitation to the Guan Yin Temple I was able to gain a better understanding of Buddhism. Though I still have many questions, the answers I have already received have shown me the distinct nature of Buddhism. The aura the temple presents illustrates the serene nature and focus. Though at first I felt intimidated by the foreign architecture and practices, very quickly I was able to recognize the common practices and rituals that seem to unite those in worship. As a Caucasian female, I feel quite out of place among the Asian visitors to the temple. I feel like I most easily fit into the tourist category and was treated so in my wanderings of the temple grounds. I met no opposition, as those at the temple seemed quite accustomed to having 'tourists' wandering in and out of the various rooms. Unlike what would be the situation at a Christian church, not a single person approached me or spoke to me. I feel as though my presence was unacknowledged. I went about my business and then continued on my way. This was comforting, yet also quite foreign as I felt that any initiative for action was solely my responsibility. If I had any questions, I would have to seek the answers; they would not be given to me. I was continually encountering my own biases, primarily that with respect to my Christian background - most likely due to the temples religious nature. …

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