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Опубликованно: 01.12.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Eminem, one of the most controversial rappers to ever hit the charts and tear them up and stir up the scene. Weather he is a bad influence on kids or someone that everyone else measures him/her self to. In his previous album The Marshall Mathers LP, this creative rapper lays it all out for anyone who has or is doubting him as an artist and proves that he is simply better.
Marshall Mathers, also known as Slim Shady, was born in Kansas City but was raised on the unforgiving streets of a Detroit suburb, Warren. His life wasn't all pool parties and joyful evenings of family fun. His father abounded his mother who he claims is a drug addict. The tough childhood was one thing, the drama he has been trough with his girlfriend Kim, has transformed him into a viscous genius that seems to serve the right dose of lyrical mayhem. With numerous other events laid out in his albums make you feel, as thou his life has been going nowhere but downhill. However if those events did not occur in his life his albums may have not been so successful. His success is based on controversy, and that very same controversy revolves around his views on his family, the "American dream" and the media and government.

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