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Опубликованно: 15.09.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

The situation with countering Russian propaganda, for the most part, depends on the effective activities of each of the countries and the percentage of the Russian-speaking population, the solution of which can be based on the Finnish success of solving this problem, when “Sputniknews”, left there, because
no one read it. In the case of cybersecurity, Estonia can become an example of providing effective digital protection for the Baltic countries (on base of “Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in cyber-security” signed in 2015), as a country that has made significant progress in this area since the events of 2007.12
The Baltic countries developed and used regional mechanisms for security cooperation based on numerous complex assumptions build on the geographical location of the region, supported by historical features of development, including the image of a “common enemy” in the face of Russia. At the moment, a strong regional institutional and bilateral system of cooperation between states has been established within the framework of numerous regional
institutions, such as the Baltic Assembly, the Baltic Council of Ministers, the Baltic sea Council, BALTBAT, BALTRON and BALTNET. The main threat to the security of the Baltic States continues to be Russia, its information war, the possibility of capturing the salient in Suwalki, as well as cyberattacks. The Baltic countries have many challenges, but since the
restoration of independence, tremendous work has been done, which the Baltic countries do not plan to stop.Prospects.…

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