The purpose of this experiment is to investigate how resistance varies with temperature for a metallic conductor, insulators, and semiconductor diodes. What exactly are these things? A semiconductor is a material having resistivity between that of a conductor and an insulator. It usually has a negative temperature coefficient of resistance. The diode is any electronic device with only two electrodes. They are now semiconductor devices. A conductor is a substance, or a body, that offers a relatively small resistance to the passage of an electronic current, and the insulator is a substance that provides a very high resistance to the passage of an electronic current; an appliance made of insulating material used to prevent the loss of an electric charge or current from a conductor.
In this experiment the investigator will be using this equipment and these materials: an ohmmeter, a thermometer, a heating device that will be a soldering gun, connecting leads, insulators, piece of rubber, piece of plastic, piece of wood, piece of paper, conductors, copper wire, light bulb wire, semiconductor diodes, silicone diodes, and germanium diodes.