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Опубликованно: 05.01.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Childhood's of Serial Killers
23% of children are criminals if one or both of their birth parents were, and 10-12% become criminals if their adoptive parents were.
Ed Kemper- mother and father fought constantly and eventually divorced and their son was bounced around between each parent, finally ending up living with his paternal grandparents on a farm in rural California. Already a strange child who enjoyed killing and mutilating cats, cutting the heads of his sister's dolls, and playing death games, he soon took a severe downward turn into homicide. On August 27, 1964, at only the age of 15, Kemper walked up behind his grandmother and shot her in the head with .22 rifle and proceeded to stab her lifeless corpse repeatedly with a knife. He then waited patiently for his grandfather to come home and confronted him in the yard, also shooting him dead.
Peter Kurten- At the age of nine Peter (Kurten) pushed a friend off a raft as they played on the river Rhine. When another boy jumped in to try and help the drowning child, Peter held him under the water until he suffocated. He also suffered physical abuse from his drunken father.
John Wayne Gacy Jr.- father was a violently abusive alcoholic.

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