Severe acute respiratory syndrome also known as (SARS) is a newly identified clinical entity that has gained global recognition as being the next possible global epidemic. SARS has rapidly spread to several countries and appears to have the capacity to extend to all points of the globe. Doctors and researchers around the world have mounted the difficult task of identifying the nature of this unknown virus in an attempt to render effective methods of containment and disposal of SARS.
The origination of SARS is unknown, however its roots have been determined to lie within China. China's irresponsible management of the initial phases of this virus has rendered them the partial culprit for its rapid dispersion. The initial attempt to suppress and cover up the growing epidemic during its inception in November of 2002 prolonged the global medical communities awareness of the growing severity of the problem. Physicians and journalists were silenced. One physician was quoted as saying, "we were told to keep our mouths shut about it". …