Do we, as western society understand the amount of people in slavery and the suffering that they face in our world today?
Slavery is an ethnical issue that is not widely spoken about. When the topic slavery is brought up many people will immediately associate the ideas of third world countries remote and extreme places in absolute poverty. Not many people have a clear understanding of slavery and most people don't realise that it still exist today. Slavery is an issue that has been throughout history and it still exists today, right throughout the world which makes this issue relevant to everyone in the world. Unlike the many other ethical issues that are not specifically mention it the bible, slavery is one issue that is mentioned in the bible. The stories of these people need to be heard for us to understand the suffering and the life that they live and ultimately we have find some ways that we can help change the lives these people are stuck in, even if it is just one life we help at least one person is better than they were before.