I have stated that smokers know the dangers of their high risk behavior. I also gave some information about Environmental Tobacco Smoke, and the seriousness of the fouled air. We must each take responsibility for the air we breath, and act to protect our health from the insidious addiction that afflicts our family and friends. My father chose to smoke. It was his right to smoke. He smoked for approximately 35 years. He smoked before the "experts" put warnings on the cigarettes. He continued to smoke after the warnings. He paid the ultimate price for his addiction. My Aunt Kat did not smoke; nor of course did my nephew Rusty. I stated that tobacco was present in their environments. My Uncle Walter, Kat's husband, smoked heavily for years before Kat died. Rusty's mom, my sister, smoked throughout her pregnancy and Rusty's short life. After all, we're talking about the 70's here; smokers only thought that cigarettes were possibly harmful to themselves. Today, smokers know the risk they take, and must also weigh the risk to the health and happiness of their loved ones.…