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Опубликованно: 11.06.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Every living being has its own language. Of course, the human is the most developed living being, so his language also is the most developed. The human language is reflection of his anima. As human uses his language we can make out how educated and advanced he is. The language and the education go hand in hand. The more educated is man, the more developed is language.

Language has proceeded from its very beginning. When the primitive men began to use language as the mean of communication, they used just some words to express their needs. In length of time the society progressed and appeared necessity for more new words to name things, feelings and emotions. In such way also the language proceeded. In the medieval time the society was separated and the language diverged in different social spheres. For example, people of the swell society spoke very genteelly and polite, but third-raters mostly were very rude and impolite. Also they used grammatically incorrect language. In this time appeared an importance of education in human’s life. Those who attended schools were cleverer, more knowledgeable and more intelligent than those who even could not read and write. Therefore people started to pay attention to the education. Because only educated society is strong society.…

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