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Опубликованно: 14.12.2011.
Язык: Английский
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Фрагмент работы

The third example of the interdependent team is perfectly shown in tv-series „Prison Break.” Plot of the tv-series is following-due to a political conspiracy an innocent man is sent to death row and his only hope is his brother who makes it his mission to deliberately get himself sent to the same prison in order to break the both of them out from the inside out. 2 brothers alongside 6 other inmates try to break out of the prison, these 8 inmates form together an interdependent team. In this model of a team there is a one leader- Michael Scofield, the brain of the operation, he is responsible for every detail of the plan. While other 7 inmates are responsible for their own tasks- like finding a transport after the escape, or getting money resorces necessery. This is an example of interdependent team - because even though every member of the team plays a vital role in escape and has his own task, at the end of the day they are still cooperating with each other in order to make escape.
To conclude one of the ways for people to get information about how the teams are created and managed is to watch movies because movies allow people to get valuable insights about team work and show how to reach a common goal in a different ways.

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