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Опубликованно: 19.04.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

" I know I seem dreamy, but inside -- well, I'm boiling. Whenever I pick up a shoe, I shudder a little thinking how short life is and what I am doing! Whatever that means, I know it doesn't mean shoes -- except as something to wear on a traveler's feet!" (Williams 62)
This quote comes from the play: The Glass Menagerie, but yet, it also seems to reflect the real life of Tennesse Williams. The play: The Glass Menagerie, does in fact, reveal the life of Tennesse and his family. This is evident through the Story's characters: Amanda
Wingfield as Edwina Williams, Tennessee's mother, Laura Wingfield as Rose Williams, and Tom Wingfield as Tennessee Williams himself, that the play is based on Tennessee's family life. Amanda is the mother of Laura and Tom. She is a vivacious woman who clings to the memories of her past as a young southern belle. She quite often recalls her many
gentleman callers, as well as her days being a social butterfly (Williams 8). She is caring for her children and wants the best for them. The story of Amanda's character could be best depicted in the way of her quote: "Well, in the South we had so many servants, Gone, gone, gone.

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