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Опубликованно: 01.05.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

When thinking of progress, most people think of advances in the scientific fields, believing that most discoveries and technologies are beneficial to society. Are these advances as beneficial as most people think? In the novel Brave New World, the author Aldous Huxley, warns readers that scientific advances can be a threat to society. This is particularly evident in the fields of biology, technology and psychology. According to Huxley, 'The theme of Brave New World is not the advancement of science as such; it is the advancement of science as it affects human individuals'(Huxley CLC 79 290).
One scientific advance of which Huxley warns readers of is that in biology. In the setting of Brave New World, henceforth referred to as the reservation, the mass production of humans is accomplished with the Bokanovsky process. In this process, human beings are genetically engineered in laboratories. '... a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From eight to ninety-six buds, and every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full sized adult'(Huxley Brave New World 4). …

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