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Опубликованно: 03.09.2015.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 16 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Third, based on my research, there
can be written a multi-volume ecyclopedias on Billy Graham’s ministry due to the fact that there were many, many eyewitnesses who were working with Billy Graham together and others as well who experienced Billy Graham’s ministry from outside of his team for many decades. Finally, and never less is the fact that Billy Graham has preached the gospel more than two billion people in 185 countries in 65 five languages.
Throughout his very long ministry, Billy Graham has had a huge, huge responsibility before God and the rest of the world. The world has always been watching how Billy Graham has handled God’s gifts of time, strength, wisdom and other resources, including his charge over the people who were working in his team and the money which was donated to advance the gospel. Billy Graham has handled this God-given responsibility very well. There are no any arguments from the world that would argue that Billy Graham has been a greedy man. There are no any arguments that Billy Graham has lived a lifestyle unworthy of Jesus Christ’s the gospel. Billy Graham may not have been a great theologian, but he has been a great spiritual leader who encourages the other spiritual leaders to live their lives in such way that their examples do not interfere with the preaching of the gospel nationally and internationally. Billy Graham’s successful ministry has been and is as encouragement for the future generations of spiritual leaders who will go and proclaim the gospel worldwide and beyond.…

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