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According to Ariane Ruskin Batterberry, Pablo Ruiz y Picasso is considered the most famous artist of the 20th Century. Picasso always working to improve his artistic skills, he would just sit alone and paint or sculpt anything that would come to his mind. Picasso worked on many different styles of art, such as, painting, sculpting, printmaking, ceramics, and scene designs. As Batterberry brings to our attention, Picasso is said to have lived several artistic lifetimes. Throughout most of his career Picasso was extremely poor, but this did not stop him from being great at whatever it was he was doing (34-35,243-244).
Picasso was born on October 25, 1881, in Malaga, Spain (Batterberry,243). When he was young his family moved to Barcelona (World Book Encyclopedia,448). He liked painting pictures of the city life around him. In 1896 he entered the school of Fine Arts, where his father was a professor. Paris was the Center of Art and Literature, he visit the city in 1900, where he fell under the spell of the artistic atmosphere. He returned later and settled in 1904. He was very poor, but his studio became a meeting place for many artists Batterberry, 243-244). Picasso had his first exhibition at the Cafe Quatre Gats in Barcelona. He studied at the Royal Academy of San Fernado in Madrid for many years (World Book Encyclopedia, 448).

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