I am going to repeat my experiment so that I have 2 sets of results
I shall only be altering the temperature, as that is my main variable, and so I will therefore keep the others the same in order to make it a fair test. I will keep my variables constant by making sure that I have used the same technique for each experiment. The amount of Hydrogen Peroxide will be carefully measured using ameasuring cylinder; enable me me to make sure it is kept constant throughout the experiment.
Safety Precautions: I will have to be careful when using the Hydrogen Peroxide, as it is a corrosive chemical, so I will attempt to overcome this problem by wearing goggles. Hydrogen Peroxide is a bleaching agent, so I will be wearing a lab coat so it does not bleach my clothes. I will also be using sharp razors during the experiment so I will have to be cautious about that so tht I don't end up cutting myself.