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Опубликованно: 28.06.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Ultimately, it seems that the Western culture's "swerve" from "femaleness" has brought nothing good to the humanity as a whole. On the contrary, it has put a curse on men "forever to need something or someone to make themselves complete". And how wrong has proven to be the attitude of Camille Paglia, today's writer of bestsellers who claims that: "The Apollonian has taken us to the stars," and that: "Everything great in Western culture has come from the quarrel with nature." Or again, when she states: "It is patriarchal society that has freed me as a woman"...and "let's stop being small-minded about men and freely acknowledge what treasures their obsessiveness has poured into culture." I don't think Ophelia, Jeannette or Laura would have agreed with her. Apparently, it was wrong and unwise to have turned one's back on emotions, and everything that carries any trace of " Dionysan". Having voted for the supremacy of cold rationality; for order and stability over anything that is chaotic, mysterious, passionate and destabilizing, humanity committed a "tragic error". Men decided to sever the sacred bond with mother, with nature, and exchange the blissful unity once enjoyed, with what, they thought, to be more "profitable" relationship with the father, "technology," "progress". Consequently, after nature, women, love have been rejected what survived is the perversion of it all. Instead of being able to enjoy the totality of one's being, one is now, as Yeats would say "a bundle of incoherent facts". Whatever was mysterious, uncertain, unknowable is reduced to far more, simplistic, duller stereotypes. Because of every "Adonis" who rejected his "Venus" and her unconditional love, preferring instead controlling and killing, we live today in a world of constant wars and conflicts.…

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