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Опубликованно: 03.08.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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The legacy of the renaissance can be described and defined in many ways and through many great people. For example, one of the main figures of the renaissance was "Leonardo Da Vinci" born in Italy during the year1452; he was during his time and is still today considered a true renaissance man. Da Vinci dabbled in almost every aspect of the arts and science. He is most famous however for his painting (Mona Lisa) finished in 1506, but he also worked on designs for weapons and sculpted as well as the study of human anatomy. Leonardo Da Vinci died on May 2nd 1519. And it is said that King Francis was at his side when he died, cradling Leonardo's head in his arms. Another great figure of the renaissance was the Architect (Andrea Palladio) born in the year 1508, Palladio was a master architect and is often described as the most influential and copied architect in the Western world. Palladio used classical architecture to influence his style and that is what makes him a key figure of the renaissance period.…

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