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Опубликованно: 25.01.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 15 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

While somewhat redistribute demographics back to rural territories which could regress urbanisation and growth of megacities. It can be considered that OBOR initiative can enhance of mutual understanding and traditional friendships across all nations, which can help to lay a solid foundation for public opinion and social foundation for the developing the regional cooperation (Lanjian and Wei, 2015). Within the next thirty years, initiative could create a global loop where it deploys high-speed train from Beijing in direction to West and welcomes back a few days later incoming from the East.
There are several major motivations behind China’s proposed OBOR like Go West’ drive, confronting the energy security challenge, may help in consolidating status as the largest developing country (Minghao, 2016). While China is successfully cooperating with neighbouring countries such as Pakistan and India, they have a long road of negotiations with distant parties like Russia, EU and USA. Legal aspects of travel zones are the most important factor in these talks due to increased security and immigration issues across the globe. Moreover, the benefits of OBOR are to refurbish the Old Silk road into technology-driven, international and highly efficient supply chain; it must acknowledge the respect towards each partner countries policies and adapt to the needs of people. Project is beyond ambitious, it is challenging the rationale of borders, legal policies and could deliver the most efficient global supply chain we ever have seen, which, therefore, has the potential to solve many global issues.

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