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Опубликованно: 29.04.2002.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

In order to maintain a flexible muscular system, a consistent stretching program that incorporates an exercise for each of the major areas of the body should also be adopted. Studies have shown that at any age with proper training both retention of lean muscle mass and overall bodily function and improvement will occur, but the rate of improvement will not be the same at every age .
In conclusion, masters athletes must counter the tendency to lose lean muscle mass, flexibility, and aerobic capacity. This message extends beyond "athletes". We all can benefit from some level of moderate exercise but as has been shown, optimum levels of balanced, daily exercise, at age threshold levels is best. Intense, well-rounded training programs that include stretching, strength work, with more carefully planned recovery days, will not only forestall these losses but will probably enable physical health and performance to improve with respect to age-group standards no matter what level of exercise intensity a particular individual may be involved with. Furthermore, the brain chemistry and psychology of exercise (good topic for another paper) are major driving forces that keep me involved in triathlete activities—and what most endurance and extreme sports are all about.

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